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operating scheme中文是什么意思

用"operating scheme"造句"operating scheme"怎么读"operating scheme" in a sentence


  • 运行规划


  • This paper also gives the analysis and researches the possible operating scheme in main generator and subsidiary generator
  • We have used two different operating schemes , fed - batch and step - addition , independently and collaboratively to refold denatured lysozymes
  • The thesis puts forward the operated schemes in compensation mechanism of water resources of heilongjiang province through establishing price . management and market mechanism based on the theories
  • So in chapter 2 , firstly the author point out the shortages of current provisions and then the opinions and suggestions on the main contents of the segmental report are presented , such as the basis of recognizing segments , the identification of reportable segments , the format and period of segmental report , the contents of segmental information and the methods iv 31 of analyzing the segmental report , etc . for accountants to get non - consolidated information of a company ' s or an enterprise group ' s subsidiaries by geography and industry , an operating scheme is needed to guide the segmental reporting
用"operating scheme"造句  
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